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Optical Probes

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The measurement range of the chromatic optical probes reaches frome a few hundreds of microns up to millimeters allowing you the perfect tune to your applications

High numerical aperture and small spot diameter are ideal for the most uses in metrology.

The interferometric optical probes show off …

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Astm, Astm Plastic, Astm Rubber, Box Compression Model, Capillary Rheometer, Cbr Picture Test, Chrocodile M, Continuous Melt Rheometer (Cmr Iv), Environmetal Chamber, Flexural Testing, Flow Characterization Rheometer (Fcr), Genesis, Gurley Cobb Absorption Testers, Gurley Permeometers, Indentation Hardness, Kn Model, Laboratory Sealer Sgpe, Long Frame Tester, Lte Moisture Analyzer, Manometric Gas Permeation Analyzer Lyssy, Melt Flow Indexer, Moisture Analyzer, Multi Station Tester, Online Rheometer (Viscosensor), Optical Probes, Oxygen Permeation Analyzer, Permmate Oxygen Permeation Analyzer, Pipe Testing, Pneumatic Grips, Products, Rheo Meters, Video Extensometer, Water Vapor Permeation Analyzer, Webbing Grip, Wide Frame Tester, Zip Fastener Grip